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Hiraida Crespo

 Department Assistant of Communications & Operations at Beyond Barnard

Hiraida Crespo (Heide) is the Department Assistant of Communications & Operations at Beyond Barnard. She has worked at the College for nearly 18 years. Heide manages the front desk as well as assists all who visit. She also plays an integral role in onboarding students starting new campus roles.

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of the job are the students, of course. I love helping them! Second will be the feeling of satisfaction I get when successfully helping and solving a student’s issue. Every day is different and exciting at Beyond Barnard. I find it very rewarding, especially meeting all of these amazing and motivated students.

What’s important to you in life outside of work?

In my spare time, I enjoy spending quality time with my family and catching up with friends. When I am home you will find me binge watching horror movies and shows on Netflix.