
By Stefani Shoreibah, 21岁


纵观历史, women have been pioneers in fields ranging from medicine and 科学 to politics and literature. They’ve been inventors and writers, botanical artists and generals. And yet little is known about many of these women and their formidable achievements. 尼娜·安萨里,89届,19届,博士.D.’13 CU — an award-winning author and women’s rights activist — is helping to tell their stories. 在她的新书中, 无名氏是个女人: A Global Chronicle of Gender Inequality, she profiles 50 female innovators whose groundbreaking work takes the reader on a 4,000-year historic journey that uncovers the roots of systemic gender discrimination. Ansary’s extensive writing on and advocacy for women’s rights has earned her numerous accolades, including the 2019 Ellis Island Medal of Honor and Barnard’s 2018 Trailblazer Award. We connected with Ansary to discuss her experience researching the book, 在STEM领域指导年轻女性, 以及她对新兴历史学家的建议.


为什么要播种 无名氏是个女人?

It was a combination of factors — my participation on university panels and conferences in addition to my advocacy and academic work — that culminated in research exploring the history of systemic gender oppression. 鉴于我对伊朗妇女的研究, oftentimes it struck me that there is still a sense [in the Western world] that women “over there” face more daunting challenges but that women “over here” have more or less equal opportunities. The fact is that this isn’t just an “Iran problem” but applicable in varying degrees to the global community at large.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the title of the book?

The title derives from Virginia Woolf’s renowned assertion: “Indeed, 我敢猜,无名氏, 谁写了那么多诗却不署名, was often a woman” — frequently misquoted as “For most of history, 无名氏是个女人.” The unfortunate reality is that nearly a century after Woolf penned her infamous words, women worldwide continue to be prevented from realizing their full potential due to society’s formal and unspoken barriers. In many nations, the status of women as second-class citizens has been codified into law. 在其他国家, 歧视以一种更为隐蔽的形式存在, manifesting in stereotypical assumptions that women are less biologically qualified in certain fields.

What did you study at Barnard that helped you become a writer and women’s rights activist?

作为十大电竞游戏综合排名大学社会学专业的学生, 我发现了跨文化关系的研究, 社会结构, 伦理问题, 交互, and consequences of human behavior truly fascinating — specifically, exploring the landscape of how action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by cultural and 社会结构. My studies in this field combined with the breadth of inspiration that comes from being in an environment committed to building a more equitable path whereby women are encouraged to take risks, 不是跟随而是领导, and to have the strength of conviction enabled me to forge my own path both as a writer and as a women’s rights activist.

In researching the book, what really stood out to you about these women?

Their courage and determination to overcome gender-based obstacles were matched only by their spirit, 弹性, and the innovative ways in which they were able to push beyond the boundaries, 尤其是考虑到他们都出生在1900年之前, 当妇女没有现成的机会时, when females were often barred from educational institutions and from holding certain positions in society, 或者当他们的成就被低估时.

2018年,你被美国国务院任命.N. 女性是创新的捍卫者. What have been some rewarding experiences from holding this position?

This was a new initiative launched to advocate, share, and promote U.N. Women’s work and activities that support women’s and girls’ increased participation in innovation, 科学, 技术, 和创业. Providing guidance and mentorship to young women — who aspire to enter the STEM and entrepreneurial fields but are apprehensive due to the overall bias that permeates these industries — has without a doubt been one of the most rewarding experiences. 美国女性.S. receive approximately 2% of all venture capital funding and comprise less than 25% of the STEM workforce. The objective is to not only address the barriers but to find solutions that would increase VC funding and reduce the gender gap in these fields.

How would you advise Barnard students who are aspiring writers or historians?

我最好的建议是要有耐心, 广泛的阅读, and seek out mentors who have navigated the challenges of being a writer and/or a historian. Never discard anything you have written because ultimately you are gathering experiences, 你永远不知道将来什么会有用. Learn to accept constructive criticism because this is an integral part of your journey and will only lead to improvement.


三个女人 丽莎·塔迪欧, 我女儿的军队 格雷格·霍格本,和 《不能承受的生命之轻:一部小说 米兰·昆德拉(Milan Kundera.

所有收益 无名氏是个女人 将被捐赠, with primary recipients being the Center for Human Rights in Iran and the London School of Economics Centre for Women, 和平, 和安全.


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